What are 64 NAVA VIDYA or 64 New Skills?
64 Nava Vidya translates to 64 New Skills
The ancient Indian education system is said to impart 64 Vidya or Kala or
Skills. Some of those skills may have become obsolete, but the plan was very
rich in inculcating finite and sophisticated proficiency.
As I understand, the system largely depended upon a simple
question-and-answer strategy. The purpose was to encourage the learner to seek
answers and strengthen the faculties of thinking.
A learner could get into the learning of as many skills as s/he sought.
There were no restrictions on any other dimension.
I like to use modern technological innovations to simulate the ancient
Caution: If you are looking for a traditional teaching-learning system, you will be disappointed. I will never use any known methodology or pedagogy. Do not expect me to teach you anything! My job is to inform you about what I know. You can use it if it is helpful or discard it if you think it is not useful to you. It takes time for you to get adjusted to my approach. Please bear with me and I am sure that you will benefit a lot. If you are looking out for a certificate or career advancement or accreditation, there are hundreds of other channels available. 64 Nava Vidya is strictly for learning NEW SKILLS to enrich self-development.
Life provides us with so much abundance and at the same time with so much rubbish.
Our job is to filter out what we don’t need and take in
what we need.
Sometimes we may not use immediately what we take.
Learning to swim does not mean that we will spend the rest of our lives in the water
However, we don’t know which of these will be of help to us in the future.
So, let us keep taking in as much as we can so that it will be helpful
to us or to someone we know!
Choose from the following 100 Nava Vidyas or New Skills
No skill is less important than the others. For the sake of convenience, these skills have been arranged in alphabetical order. All are optional. You can choose any skill and go through the articles
presented there. Make sure that the skills chosen are essential for a contented
life. Almost all life skills and soft skills will come under this category.
I am calling them New Skills because though some concepts look familiar to you, there is something NEW introduced within them.
There is no enrolling fee or any charges and this
is similar to the Gurukul system.
Under each skill, there is an "add
comment" section. Please go through all the Skills and whichever skill you
like to pursue. You can add a comment if you have any requests or suggestions.
I will provide more material for the skills that have the highest number of requests.
You will see that some skills already have some material under them. Please
inform your friends and relatives so that they can also take benefit from this
You can come here any time, any number of times,
and go through as many skills as you want. Ask questions and answer others who ask questions.
Major Mantra
👉 It is not a question of what you do with what you
have 👈
👉 It is the question of what you do not do with what
you have
Major Sutra
👉 Try Once & Identify Errors
👉 Try Again & Reduce Errors
👉 Continue till you get zero errors consecutively twice 👈
List of Nava Vidya or New Skills
1) Abstract Reasoning
Abstract Thinking used in Mathematics
3) Analytical Ability
8) Changing Failure to Success
11) Comprehension
13) Converting Weakness to Strength
16) Crisis Management
17) Critical Thinking
18) Cultivating Ownership
19) Decision Making
20) Differentiating Needs and Wants
22) Empathy
23) Environmental Psychology
24) Evaluative Thinking
25) Executive Functions of the Brain
26) Frustration Tolerance
27) Furthering Human Relations
28) Gaining Self-Confidence
29) Goal Orientation
30) Guilt Analysis
32) Handling Frustration
33) Handling Pressure
34) Human Relations
35) Inter-dependence
36) Interpersonal Skills (Relationships)
37) Interviewing Skills
38) Intuitive Skills
39) Kindness
40) Leadership
41) Lean Management in personal life
42) Learning Skills through Trial and Error
43) Learning to Learn
44) Life Management
46) Listening Skills
47) Living with Diseases
48) Logical Reasoning
Deductive & Inductive Thinking in Mathematics
49) Maturity
51) Moral and Ethical Strength
52) Motivation
53) Moving from Darkness to Light
54) Multidimensional Personality
56) Numerical Ability
57) Overcoming Anxiety
58) Overcoming Conscious Capture
60) Overcoming Fear
63) Performance Intelligence
67) Problem-Solving
68) Propaganda Prophylaxis
69) Reading Skills
70) Reducing TV Viewer’s Syndrome
72) Regulating Sleep
73) Retirement Planning
74) Saying "No"
75) Social-Awareness
76) Self-Confidence
77) Self-Esteem
78) Self-Management
79) Sleep Therapy
80) Spatial Relations
81) Speed Reading
82) Strengthening Relationships
84) Supra Intelligence
86) Team Building Skills
87) The Gloving Child
88) Thinking Skills
89) Time Management
90) Transforming Difficulty to Ease
91) Understanding Psychopathology
92) Understanding Success
93) Understanding the Opposite Gender
94) Value System
95) Verbal Ability
96) Well-being
97) Work Efficiency
98) Work Ethics
99) Writing Skills
100) Xenomania
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