"अनुवाद" का विकल्प चुनकर हिंदी में पढ़ें
Before you begin please make sure
that you have read the introduction
Dham Sarkar – A Scientific Perspective
Please remember that this is neither a religious
nor a political commentary but just an academic endeavor to inform the public
about Bageshwar Dham Sarkar.
Chapter 5: Is Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri Removing Possession?
In the Divya Darbar at
Bageshwar Dham, Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri can deal with people who have
been affected by spirits. These are known as spirit possession and Shri Dhirendra
Krishna Shastri gets rid of it.
Before we get into whether
Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri can remove spirit possession or not, it is
imperative to consider whether spirits exist or not!
We have already
discussed in detail the presence of ghosts and spirits as well as discarnate survival in Chapter 3: Is Shri Dhirendra Krishna
Shastri encouraging Superstition?
typical materialistic point of view is that we have only one life and
everything gets destroyed along with our demise. Contrast this to the spiritual
point of view that we just pass from one life to another and we keep going
until we find moksha (liberation).
This is the perspective held by Sanathana Dharma that propounds the Karma
theory where life doesn’t end on its own.
do modern sciences have found out about this? Before we get into other
sciences, let us see what parapsychological research says.
a scientific study of paranormal phenomena, considers the survival of bodily
death under Discarnate Survival and Reincarnation.
studies aspects related to death and dying. Dying is not a one-time function
but a process. Terminally ill patients go through several stages of death. According
to Elizabeth Kubler Ross, who has
done extensive studies on death and dying, a person passes through five stages
before they die.
presence of a soul or consciousness is recognized in all cultures, irrespective
of whether some people accept it or not.
Every culture all over the world has certain rituals associated with
death and these are followed meticulously. If death is the final part of the
journey, then why conduct so many rituals when someone dies?
Out-of-body experiences (O.B.Es.) or astral projection is another aspect
of consciousness that is studied in parapsychology. Several controlled
scientific studies have demonstrated that some people can travel through their
second body (astral body) and their narration afterward tells us that they
would not have experienced these in any other way.
Robert Monroe opened up a new wave of non-materialistic thinking through his book Journeys Out of the Body. The present understanding is that, whatever the reason for the out-of-body experiences, there seems to be continuity in consciousness even when the physical body is inactive or unconscious.
The near-death experience is recorded when patients wake up after
they are declared clinically dead by the attending physicians. Sometimes they
wake up from a coma after several days. The patients narrate a detailed
experience of moving out of their body, observing their physical body and
things happening around it, passing through a tunnel, reminiscence of their
whole lives, rich overwhelming feeling of satiety, meeting a guardian angel, etc.
Except for cultural variations and beliefs, the experiences are common and
to what Dr. Eben Alexander has to say about his near-death experience in the
following video.
Raymond A. Moody Jr.
opened up a new frontier in the study of consciousness when his book Life After Life was published in 1975.
places are so famous that millions of stories exist
all over the world. It has unfortunately become a question of belief but
whether someone believes it or not, some forces cannot be attributed to
spirits, demons, devils, apparitions, etc. are the names associated with souls
that continue to exist even after death.
Séances, where they go into trance and claim to have direct contact with the
dead. They can talk to dead ones, listen to them, see them, or feel their
presence. Thousands of people all over the world obtain solace by communicating
with their loved ones in this manner.
cases are those where another entity has possessed the individual. It could be
voluntary, as in the case of some mediums, or involuntary as when the person
gets overcome by the spirit. It is these cases that we find generally in the
public domain.
writing takes place when a person either consciously
or without awareness writes a message coming from a dead person. Most times,
the message is in a language the person does not know. The formal modern
psychical research started with this.
Memories vouch for the presence of spirits after
death, where children start talking about their past lives in detail. Thousands
of such cases have been investigated all over the world by Ian Stevenson and other researchers.
Regression Therapy also substantiates reincarnation where
people carry problems and diseases from past lives. Karl Schlotterbeck’s book Living Your Past Lives: The Psychology of
Past-life Regression changes people’s attitudes toward reincarnation.
survival has
become a mainstream study where James
Pandarakalam lists eleven types of evidence for it in his article (See https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332850702_Scientific_Evidences_for_Discarnate_Existence_and_a_Search_for_the_Sacred),
published in NeuroQuantology,
a peer-reviewed scientific journal that bridges the gap between neuroscience
and quantum mechanics.
The WIPs (Well-informed Ignorant
are still stuck in Newtonian physics and expect an apple to fall so that they
can continue their "scientific inquiry" when so many recent findings on quantum
physics have made materialism redundant.
Researchers like Dr. Gary Schwartz have gone to the
extent of using “Soul Phone” to communicate with the spirits.
Removing possession has been there since
time immemorial all over the world. Witch doctors, shamans, and religious
chiefs may also try to remove it and Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri is no
exception. He is now doing what others have been doing since eternal times (Chapter 2: Is Shri Dhirendra Krishna
Shastri Performing Magic?).
Of course, a majority of
the cases attending the Divya darbar are not afflicted with spirit possession.
Just because a majority of the cases do not fall under the removal of
possession, does not mean that all cases are the same. There are many cases of
malingering but these people have a chance to let out their inner built
frustration. The Westerners scream at imaginary people, hit out at dummies, and
verbalize their anger. This is called a scientific method of 'Encounter Groups' for maintaining mental
health and the participants pay hefty sums. When the same thing is done for
free and in an open environment, it becomes unscientific and superstitious!
accusation that Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri is encouraging superstition
is unfounded, as we have seen in an earlier chapter. There is one rule of
thumb to determine whether a belief is biased or not. Superstitions are
restricted to a particular region, religion, community, or society. However, if
a belief is universal and is found in all cultures throughout the world, then
there is some truth to it.
Some people may claim
that the act of spirit possession may be an instance of malingering. Shri Dhirendra
Krishna Shastri deals with larger mass, generally where such malingering is
present. Nevertheless, the afflicted people and their relatives find solace
afterward. A Majority of them say that they never have the same problem in the future.
They have seen it happening with others and hence they are convinced.
Another accusation is
that the sacred ash (Vibhuti) given to the affected people may act as a placebo.
I don’t see what is wrong with using a placebo. Instead of admitting these
cases as mentally disordered, putting them under lock and key, and
administering costly drugs to them, why don’t medical professionals discover a
powder, tablet, capsule, or some medicine and distribute it free to people so
that they can become normal?
It is generally thought
that people who die accidentally or violently tend to become ghosts and
spirits. This is not the case. Everyone who dies passes on to the spirit stage
until they are reborn somewhere as someone else. The duration between one life
to another may vary depending upon their Karma.
Spirits who have
something to communicate to their relatives, usually possess someone so that
they can convey the message. However, this is not restricted to those who have
untimely death only. Even people who die out of old age or disease may also
have something to communicate. Once they complete their communication, they
It is not true that all spirits
are evil. The majority of them are benevolent and try to help the family.
It is only those spirits that are influenced by black magic that behave violently. A stronger power is needed to overcome such
influences and this is provided by Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri at Bageshwar
Dham. However, actual cases of removal of spirit possession are present when Shri
Dhirendra Krishna Shastri calls some people individually and interacts with
them so that they become normal afterward. Please watch the video attached at
the beginning of this chapter (if you have not already done so) to see how the
possession is removed.
To summarize, we can say that there is ample evidence for the presence of spirits and ghosts in the scientific literature. Thanatology, out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, haunted places, mediums, possession, automatic writing, reincarnation memories, past-life regression therapy, discarnate survival, witchcraft, and black magic are some of the areas where extensive research is being undertaken. (For those who need confirmation, please refer to the Handbook of Parapsychology or any journals on parapsychology, anomalous behavior, noetic sciences, etc.) When these spirits possess some individuals, Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri helps them to overcome the spirits’ influence. People who think they have been possessed also find solace and improvement in their lives.
Bageshwar Dham Sarkar – A Scientific Perspective
Chapter 1: Is Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri Scientifically Comprehensible?
Chapter 2: Is Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri Performing Magic?
Chapter 3: Is Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri Encouraging Superstition?
Chapter 4: Is Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri a Mystic?
Chapter 6: Is Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri Religious?
Chapter 7: Is Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri Genuine?
To know more about different Siddis, Sadhana, and Sadhaka:
Parapsychological Phenomena Based on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
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