"अनुवाद" का विकल्प चुनकर हिंदी में पढ़ें
Before you begin please make sure that you have read the introduction
BageshwarDham Sarkar – A Scientific Perspective
Please remember that this is neither a religious nor a political commentary but just an academic endeavor to inform the public about Bageshwar Dham Sarkar.
Chapter 7: Is Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri Genuine?
Just a hundred years ago, no one would have doubted if someone exhibited such feats similar to what Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri can do. That is because most of them were truthful and honest and they didn’t exaggerate their abilities. Presently, as some charlatans can mimic these people, it becomes very difficult to distinguish the true ones from the fake ones. Hence, doubt arises as to whether Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri is genuine or not.
Let us try to analyze the available information and decide on the authenticity of Bageshwar Dham Sarkar.
Social Service
Those who have doubts about Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri can watch the video above and see if they can point out any mischief. If they do, then they are geniuses who can prove Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri is not genuine. In that case, they have ample opportunity to make sure that no more people get attracted to Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri. They have a chance to save millions of people from following the so-called “Baba”. What better social service is there other than this?
It is also ridiculous to say that if I don’t see it, then it does not happen, as these WIPs (Well-informed Ignorant Persons) argue. Modern physics can neither show anything concretely nor explain how things happen precisely (as in Quantum Entanglement). But somehow physics is considered to be a science while parapsychology is not. The WIPs also claim that if they can’t do it, then how come others like Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri can do it? Let me know how many of these WIPs have climbed mountains, run in the Olympics, or become astronauts.
The WIPs have a straightforward philosophy. All things they don’t understand, they call it science and what they can understand becomes non-science. According to them medicine, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. use Greek and Latin terms and hence they have to be great whereas in India all Sanskrit words are used extensively by all Indian languages and hence understandable and should be based on superstition! What fantastic logic!
Statistical Probability
What professional counselors and psychotherapists combined cannot do in their lifetime, is achieved by Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri within a few years. He has helped more than three million people, according to some estimations. And there is still more to come. Let us look at it from a statistical point of view. To expect a statistical probability of .05, we need a sample size of 385 cases (Cochran’s formula). However, so far, not a single case has come out as false. If that were the case, the ever-vigilant journalists and skeptics would have bombarded the public with their ‘discovery’.
Modern Magic
What skeptics can do is summon modern magicians and ask them to imitate Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri. Let them train around 20 people as to what they should do and say, put them in a crowd of, let’s say, 20,000 people, and predict what their questions will be! These magicians should abstain from picking one person in a small crowd, asking them to remember a name or a set of numbers, and then showing it as the prediction. Let the skeptics find out if any ‘mind reader’ can tell so many details about the person, without asking them to remember them!
Journalists who are planning to catch Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri can simply interview those who come on stage. They can question their neighbors, relatives, and friends and find out if they are telling the truth. In addition, the journalists can follow up on the prediction given by Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri. Many times he says there will be a 40% improvement, the problem will disappear, everything will become better, etc. These can be cross-checked and reported instead of accusing Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri of something sinister.
Blank Pages
Some skeptics accuse Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri of reading from what has been previously written down. Their limited reasoning is that he or his assistants would have collated all the information beforehand and written them down, and during the Darbar Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri acts as if he is writing down something and just reads from what is already there. In that case, let them find out if any blank pages are with him or not and prove that all pages are pre-filled!
Social Media
Some WIPs even go to the ridiculous extent of saying that his assistants would have picked up the information from social media. Who on earth will put their uncle’s name on social media? And how many people who come on stage have accounts on social media? He is not telling what is there in social media like date of birth, place of residence, and qualification. This itself justifies that he is not preparing beforehand what he should tell during Divya Darbar.
As mentioned earlier, Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri is not an exception but he is exceptional. There are thousands of people practicing this art throughout India and bringing solace to people who are facing tough times. Though the allegiance is present for different deities, the methodology is similar in most of them. This is an age-old practice that has been there throughout the world. Those who destroyed this mystical observation didn’t know how powerful it was. To justify their carnage, they had to claim that these practices were archaic, superstitious, and detrimental to the welfare of the population. It is this propaganda that has influenced most of us so-called educated people and we think we know everything by just studying a few textbooks authored by Westerners!
Not all of these thousands of practitioners are genuine. When something becomes famous, all sorts of people enter the arena. Just because a few quack doctors are practicing medicine, you cannot blame all the doctors as frauds. People should always possess an “open-minded skepticism” where they question whatever they encounter. If they find someone trying to con people, they should immediately take legal action and stop more people from becoming victims. A person is considered innocent until they are proven guilty. So, the onus is on those who claim fakery to uncover it.
The people who are fighting against superstitious are doing a good job. They are necessary in today’s world to weed out fraudsters. They show ordinary people how they get cheated and this service is commendable. However, they should reconsider their perspective about what exactly the subjects of science deal with. They should not venture into areas where they have very little understanding. By fighting against one type of superstition, they are inadvertently encouraging a different kind of superstition that science is only materialistic.
Random Choice
The most astounding Siddhi Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri has shown is to ask the journalists to pick up someone from the crowd. It could be one person or two, three, four, or five people to be picked up randomly by them. Then he writes down something about all of them on different sheets of paper, numbers the note, and asks the journalists to choose the number after choosing a person. Watch the video above to see how it is done. I think this is what made all those who were talking against him stop in their tracks.
Another phenomenal aspect Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri exhibits is telling the journalists that whoever they bring and whatever number they select, it is beyond them to choose wrongly. He invites them to change their mind and throws a challenge to make his prediction incorrect, but so far no one has been able to uncover this mystery. Only people with an understanding of Karma theory can fathom such a happening.
People who worship nature respect humanity. It doesn’t matter to them whether their object of worship is living or not! It is heartening to know that people who are against humanity do not come to the Divya Darbar. They are afraid that even if there is a one percent chance that their inhuman characteristics are revealed in front of everyone, then they don’t want to risk it. And Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri will always announce if the person on stage is a good person or not. So, he keeps all people with evil intentions away from the Darbar.
Honesty is most revered here. He can catch people if they are telling lies. If they are going in the wrong way, then he admonishes them and tells them to correct themselves. As mentioned earlier, Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri catches the devotees if they are lying, have extra-marital relationships, and committed any crime. As he openly says these things, all those who are engaged in immoral activities keep away from his Darbar.
Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri doesn’t demand anything materialistic from the devotees of Bageshwar Dham. They can donate cash or kind to the Dhaam, which will be used for social development. They need to spend very little to visit the Dham. This ensures that even the poorest can afford to benefit from the Darbar. Unlike famous temples, which have become commercial centers, Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri provides all basic amenities to the public. All his solutions are restricted to reciting specific Mantras, worshipping specific deities at home, and visiting the Dham. This results in the devotees focusing on their spiritual development rather than worrying about what it costs them and what risks they need to take.
India is the land of Rushi Munis. Lakhs of ascetics have contributed to the betterment of the masses. This is why Indians continue to be peaceful despite invasion and pillage. These sages have handed over their abilities to later generations and Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri, too, attributes his achievements to his Dada Guruji. Like all other sages, he doesn’t take the credit. He acknowledges the deity Hanuman’s blessing and says he is just distributing it to fellow beings.
What Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri does is to awaken the Samskara in each individual who comes across Bageshwar Dham. Where else can you find lakhs (hundreds of thousands) of people showing such self-discipline, patience, and endurance? By uniting them through a call to take ahead the Sanatana Dharma, Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri is inculcating humanity, morality, and spirituality (HMS) in people, irrespective of their religious affiliations.
As we have already seen, Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri is scientifically comprehensible, performs supernatural magic, is a mystic, and can remove possession. He also helps people in overcoming minor and major physical, social, economic, and psychological problems. He does not encourage superstition and is not at all religious. He wants all people (all religions included) to come together for the sake of humanity, morality, and spirituality. He has a magnificent vision and mission for the future of the country.
This makes him genuine.
So, let us all help him achieve his goal.
Bageshwar Dham Sarkar – A Scientific Perspective
Chapter 1: Is Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri Scientifically Comprehensible?
Chapter 2: Is Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri Performing Magic?
Chapter 3: Is Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri Encouraging Superstition?
Chapter 4: Is Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri a Mystic?
Chapter 5: Is Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri Removing Possession?
Chapter 6: Is Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri Religious?
To know more about different Siddis, Sadhana, and Sadhaka:
Parapsychological Phenomena Based on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
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